Computer Science Major

Dr. Hui Liu assists student Zack Mueller with his computer classwork in the CSC 232: Data Structures class.

Get to the core of digital solutions

Do you enjoy learning about computer systems? An innovative future awaits you!

A computer science major prepares you to work with software, data, programs and more.

Option areas: Specialize your CS degree

We have updated the curriculum of both tracks to the recommendations of CS educational policymakers, represented by the ACM and IEEE professional organizations.

A computer science student smiles for a photo as she performs research on her laptop and desktop computers.
Focus on the technical aspects of software creation. This option is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET.
Computer science students work on a project in their software development class. Two students are sharing a laptop, and two other students are each using a desktop.
Earn a broader degree that covers the design, development and analysis of software.

Why major in computer science at MSU?


A computer science student and professor doing a demo with robotic hardware in a research lab on campus.
  • Study a versatile subject – Get equipped to solve problems in many high-paying career paths. Computer science also pairs well with many minors.
  • Find accessible course options – Don't have a background in computer science? That's okay! Several of our courses have minimal prerequisites, if any.
  • Match your degree with your interests – Design a focused plan in our accredited computer science option. Or, choose from courses in computer science and other subjects, like management and psychology, in the software development option.
  • Upgrade your skill-set – Gain in-demand knowledge, become certified in web programming and stay up-to-date on the latest technology trends.

Explore many aspects of this evolving field

You will study the design, development and analysis of software and hardware used to solve problems in a variety of business, scientific and social contexts.

We also collaborate with other academic departments, including biology and art. As a computer science major, you'll have enhanced, hands-on learning and the ability to look into specialty areas.

To ensure your success in the technical and problem solving areas of this field, adequate math and science skills are recommended.

Degree options

A student listens to his teacher while working in a computer lab.
Careers and outcomes
Explore the ins and outs of computer operations. Your education will lead you toward computer engineering, robotics, digital media and more.